Friday, December 30, 2011

Delayed posting

Nov 15, 2011

Mankind has failed the test of responding logically to the Creator’s gift of fossil fuel.
The consequences of this failure will consist of a mass extinction of the population count and severe cutback in lifestyle of the human species.
Before the appearance of Homo sapiens God had taken on the task of energy management himself. In the broadest sense, it is the optimum allocation of resources and the creation of checks and balances among all life forms, vegetable and animal, which allow an harmonious flow of millions of different living lifelines in parallel.
The preparation for the creation of human beings was conceived at the beginning of life creation. The Creator had always intended to transfer the management of energy flow and checks and balances on Earth to humans who were created in His likeness in the power of the mind, not physiological similarity. Mankind has no clue yet as to the nature and numerical count of God. This is not important, and we may picture God as a single human-like being, a group of three personalities, or an infinite collection of viruses, or EIP (External Intelligence Phenomenon) as I have proposed. It is important to realize the pictured image of God is only for the ease of communications, not in fact.