Sunday, April 22, 2012

To continue, dated 2/18/12

(It's been a little over two months since my last entry.  I had suffered a heart  attack, been rushed to a hospital by ambulance, restored to life by a stent procedure.  But two weeks later a complication of stroke-like "occular migraine" attack... I find it difficult to return to writing about a super-natural event of God, the creation of life and especially the creation of the human mind.  But there is no one else.  I accept the challenge, and I'm grateful that the internet is available to carry my message.)

The Fourth-Stage of Cultural Evolution - the human society had made progress largely through the gift of a God-like mind.  But in the most important experimental test for mankind---our response to the one-time-only gift of fossil fuel, we are failing in a most miserable fashion.  We know that this gift took hundreds of millions of years to accumulate; and also that no matter how large the amount of the gift, we humans can wipe it out instantly if we do not put a limit on our lifestyle and headcount.  The fourth stage then is a culture of maturity---putting a stop to economic growth and population growth.  We must begin a return to sanity.

(to be continued)