Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Getting To The Root Cause

   The fossil fuel experiment, which is a one-time-only affair,  challenges human judgement in what is possible and what is impossible.  There had been much folly in attempts to build a perpetual motion machine, an anti-gravity device, and communicating with the dead, etc.  At the highest level, Clausius' statement of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is about an impossibility.
  In today's crisis-ridden world, human behavior can become sane and rational again by stating the impossible in explicit and understandable terms.
  • Eternal life for human individuals, either in the Christian afterlife format or the Buddhism previous life format is impossible.  But God's design is eternal (up to the burn out of the sun in our solar system) by extending life in new genetic combinations of the DNA  from parents.  Isn't His scheme better?
  • The bubble economy of the last two decades in the world is caused by people trying to do the impossible--increasing energy supply to meet the demand of the boundless appetite in lifestyle and population count.  The correct conduct is to live within the energy supply that the Jehovah Cycle can produce.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nature's Laws vs Man-made Laws (II)

In creational science the most important laws of nature are the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.  The First Law defines quantitatively the equivalence between units of heat and units of work.  But this is incomplete.  We must distinguish between high intensive heat whose work equivalence is destructive, and the weak units of heat used by God in the design of water-based life which is constructive and capable of self-propagation.  The Jehovah Cycle which I flow-charted in this blog (July/2010) uses sunlight 8 light-minutes away, not at the sun's surface.  Thus life must proceed at its own leisurely pace.  In my book, I pointed out that the Creator probably made a feasibility study such that the time required to create Homo sapiens on planet Earth could occur before the burn-out of the sun.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics can be stated in many ways.  I choose the following by Clausius:  It is impossible for a self acting machine working in a cycle process without any external force, to transfer heat from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature.  The important point that demands notice is that this basic law is stated in a negative sense, to define what is outside of the domain of desirable result by whatever action a designer may have dreamed up.  It is a limit, or constraint in the real physical world.  In the next installment, I want to point out that mankind's response to the discovery of fossil fuels, while highly beneficial in numerous aspects, also contains doubly impossible pursuits of greed and selfishness. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nature's Laws vs Man-made Laws (I)

   The first step in understanding why mankind has blundered into a bad decision is to recognize the difference between a law of nature and a law written by men.  In fact, it is a mistake in the  language to use the same word "law" in these basically different applications.  The original use of the word refers to rules of conduct of a community as it advances into higher grounds of civilization.  Because knowledge comes to men in stages, it is to be expected that early laws may contain incorrect rules due to insufficient knowledge of the truth before the truth is discovered.  This progressive modifications of the rules of proper conduct can be highly beneficial.  On the other hand, we are all aware of the evils of stubborn law makers who cling to outdated judgment rulings just because once upon a time it was accepted.

A law of nature can exist for all times without human knowledge. Only the most talented researcher in science or engineering have a chance to discover or formulate one such law at a time, after careful observation and measurements. Sometimes the concept requires very advanced understanding of higher mathematical physics, beyond the knowledge of political or business leaders in a nation.  Under these circumstances, a decision maker may easily decide to take a pathway in violation of a basic law of nature--with disastrous results.


Monday, September 5, 2011

My Effort to Close Out this Blog Before the End of 2011

Time is precious to the elderly. While my life may exist medically beyond this year, the clear thinking mind that I possess is fading fast.  By posting this publicly I am, figuratively speaking, forcing myself to walk the plank--do it now, or never. 

The thought that I have today is the following: mankind is in the midst of an experimental test of epochal significance.  This test, conceived by the Creator, is to observe and determine mankind's response to the free gift of fossil fuels.

In spite of the seriousness of the consequences of this decision, a decision to spend it all, as fast as possible, without debate or discussions, was lightly agreed to by the world leadership--we can't even say when!  It just happened.

But it is not too late.  This wrong decision can be reversed.  I tried to do it with my book, but the language was too polite, too subtle.  I have a hundred days to present my case...