Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Political Misstep Can Lead to Commercial Success

Today's headlines pay homage to Apple's past CEO Steve Jobs. The global sales of iPhone and iPad has set historic success in terms of revenue and profit. I would like to point out that these products are no more than expensive toys for the struggling adults of the middle class. These people need temporary escape from the stresses of a collapsing financial world, and these products are just cheap enough (through Taiwan and PRC labor cooperation) to become affordable. What is ironic is that all this is made possible by the engineering breakthroughs of the USA space programs which got a huge boost in funding because of a political failure by JFK.

President Kennedy received faulty information from the CIA concerning an invasion of Cuba by its immigrants in Florida. When the Bay-of-Pigs operation failed, JFK sought to divert attention of the people by announcing an ambitious moon-landing program. Although he did not live to see the fruits of his decision, it was his program that enabled live broadcast of the astrounauts stepping on the moon. Later on a network of synchronous satellites orbiting the Earth was established to facilitate the IT revolution. Jobs was a smart business man who realized this global network could be utilized at very little cost to Apple to sell his toys.

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1 comment:

  1. Dad, I'm glad to see that you are getting your thoughts written to your blog. The format looks fine to me. I've moved your book web page to a new URL:

    -- Gray
